Courtyard Inspiration + Outdoor Furniture

11 April 2015

My courtyard is adorable. That photo above is definitely not it. That courtyard is AMAZING. But moving past that. I did a post with the before & afters, installing the deck, and how much better it looks now that it has it.

At the moment I'm filling it with cute plants in pots. We also just got a BBQ which looks rad over in the corner, so many dinner parties to come in the future, I hope.

The next and probably final piece I need for the courtyard though is a little bit of outdoor furniture. I was originally thinking a long bench along the back wall. But I reckon that a cute 3 piece, 2 chairs and table setting would look perfect too! We definitely don't need another full sized table and chairs, as our courtyard can be opened up onto our dining area indoors, where we have a 2 metre (6.5 foot) dining table. With benches along one side and chairs on the other.

So first some cool inspiration shots of courtyards! Then scroll to the bottom to find some sweet outdoor furniture pieces that I like!


My Outdoor Furniture Loves 

1. Sundero Bench | 2. Mimosa Hanging Egg Chair | 3. Applaro 3-Seat Sofa | 4. Kungsholmen 2-Seat Sofa | 5. Hogsten Armchair | 6. Lacko Table & Chairs | 7. Applaro Bench

I think a bench of a small outdoor lounge would look really good in the centre of the courtyard along the back wall. I love the cushions, and even though they are made of weather sturdy material and are designed to last longer and dry out quicker when wet, I would still be concerned that they would get mouldy and yuck. Also I don't want to have to have the cushions in storage all the time, how bothersome.

The three piece is really cute, and would be nice for having cups of tea outside with my plants. Same deal with the armchair. I would probably add a little table to go with that.

Hmmmmmmm.... I'll have to pick! Though unfortunately 95% of these are from IKEA and my closest IKEA is 2 hours away. Dang it! Looks like it's back to saving money for me for the moment.

Cya! xx

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  1. OH my gosh my dream is to have a nice clean but plant filled backyard like the first picture! I'll spend any amount of money!!

  2. I really like this post :) beautiful the first pic ! So relaxing stay outside ♥

  3. The first and second courtyards on this post are like my dream spaces *.* and I love that bench that you picked out! <3


  4. Really beautiful inspiration :)

  5. Hey Tegan,

    Wooow! It's really pretty. Your blog is amazing too. :)

  6. Your courtyard b&a looks fantastic!! I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being popular on Pinterest. I love the second one - there's just something so magical about string lights.

    becky ♡ star violet

  7. Love the inspiration pics. We have an Ikea outdoor lounge set and I have to say it's been great for the summer. They're really comfy and perfect for relaxing in the sun. :) We did however have to store the cushions inside when it rained so we're now looking at getting one of those storage seat thingies for the Winter.

    No matter what furniture you choose I'm sure your courtyard will look great!

  8. Oh wow those gardens and teraces look like paradise I love the furniture!

    Much love xxx

    Feel Free to Check Out a Porject I've been working on:
    The801z Music Video Preview

  9. Gorgeous photos! Just need some warm weather to go with :)

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

  10. I'm getting courtyard envy from those pics! Saw the first photo and thought wow your home is just amazing haha, bet it does look awesome though.

    Lucy x

  11. Such pretty courtyards! I live in a flat, and not on the ground floor, so no garden, no nothing :(

  12. Amazing inspiration, I love the idea of the light bulbs!

    My Makeup Mémoire

  13. Amazing inspirations, I also want to decorate my little balcony :-)

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

  14. Aw bet you cannot wait till it is all finished, with this inspo im sure it will look lovely x
    Jess x

  15. I love everything here! I definitely need to sort my back yard out. I can't wait to have tables and chairs out for summer. Can't wait to see how you get on

  16. Now I REALLY wanna decorate mine as well <3 Everything looks so cozy and inviting. Your courtyard will definitely look amazing :) Update please hahaha

    New follower! BCfactor blog

  17. I love your courtyard!! It's so cute! I hope I have something like that when I am living on my own.

  18. Awesome furnitures. They are very beautiful to look at as well as high quality I think.cubicles miami

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