Where Did You Go?

19 April 2017

I've been MIA, slacking off hard on my blogging and instagramming of late and I don't even have that good of a reason. Life got in the way. It seems like it's changed quite a bit from where I was when I returned from Hawaii. I guess you just never know where life is going to take you.
All of these changes have only been in action for a bit over a month so far so I still haven't sorted out a proper routine. Well I was getting pretty close until I got the flu about a few weeks ago. That backtracked a lot of my progress which is pretty annoying but I've got to keep moving forward. 

So do you want to know where I've been?

I Got a Full Time Job

Yep my three day a week casual shifts at the boutique I work at has expanded into full time, 5 days/38 hours a week. I could not be happier. Seriously I love where I work and I'm so glad that my decision to quit one of my two jobs has paid off. What was free time again? It was a good few months of three days a week, but now I get Fridays and Saturdays off. Thank goodness I get a weekday off, as every appointment that I need to make at places only open weekdays, are now made for Fridays. 

When do people who work Monday to Friday get stuff done? What's even open on the weekend, except for stores. Nothing important that's for sure. This Friday is going to be a getting a haircut, getting my nails infilled, then to get a vaccination for whooping cough (I'm going to be an aunty!) then preparing the house for it to be painted! More on all that later. 

I Joined the Gym

I had a trial at Genesis Fitness in my area. Let me just say I was very unsure. I was so nervous I didn't even want to go, but I signed myself up for a trial so I wanted to at least see if I would go if I joined. I did some free personal training sessions, then I had a go of just showing up and working out alone with weights, and then I went to a class. If you know me, you'll know I've always wanted to go to yoga but was literally so stressed about going to a class for the first time. 

I bit the bullet and signed up. It was a big commitment because it's a 12 month contract. I've been going 3-4 times a week now. I love doing weights class, and I've been lazy with cardio, because I just prefer using weights. I'm keen to see the progress. Wait til Summer rolls back around again and my bod will be revealed. I will have a booty! Wait and see. 

I Got The Flu

I got it real bad too. I basically slept for 4 days. I had not been this sick in a lonnng time. The kind of sick where you can't even sit in bed and watch a movie, you just can't even function. Yep not fun at all. I had two weeks off from the gym, and I'm still coughing a little bit. Also my nose is like always runny. Seriously, all the time. All year round. Obviously extra when I had the flu, but still constant. 
So annoying. 

Anyway I definitely recommend getting a flu shot. Because I had one last year and I didn't even get a cold until I got the flu an entire year later. Magical. 

I watched a lot of TV (& Played the Playstation)

I am almost finished Horizon Zero Dawn. What a flippin' amazing game! I'm very close to the end I just took a 2 week break after realising it was taking over my life. 

I've also watched a few really good tv shows of late. My next post will be telling you which ones I recommend you start binge watching. You can trust my TV recommendations, because heck I watch a lot of tv. 

I worked on a really cool Sponsored post

I worked really hard on it too! 10 photos and matching content! I probably went overboard. If you've heard me talking about this and you're wondering when I'm going to share and where it is. Well it won't be published here, but I will be sharing it here and on my instagram. You'll hear about it but it's not live yet!

So am I coming back?
Well I hope so! I've still got a lot of things to say and share. Where else would I do it?
I've just got to get my shit together. Actually blog after work instead of fitting in as many tv shows as I can before bedtime. No lie though, I love blogging. I'm not going anywhere. 

Though I did fail my one post a week resolution already. If I can hit 52 this year does that count?



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  1. I think 52 a year still counts! Some weeks you'll just post a few and others maybe not as much! So excited to see your sponsored content - what a milestone! I think I might know what it is ;-)

    Sharni // www.agirlandgrey.com

  2. Welcome back! It's so good to hear you love where you work and that you have full time hours now! It feels great to be working, at least that's how I feel at the moment. I can't wait to see what you have to share with us next xx

    Sending light & love your way,
    My Lovelier Days

  3. Welcome back, I can't wait to see more of your posts coming through regularly! Sounds like you had some pretty legit reasons to be absent though, congrats on that full time position girl!!

    Kez | acaciasdreams.com

  4. Is a cool outfit!

  5. As someone currently in a Sims 4 spiral I can totally relate. I need to step away from the PC :P Good to have you blogging again!

    Kate | themintedblog.com

  6. Welcome back! I've missed your posts! But its good to take a break, even if it is a horrible flu-y one :(

    I am definitely going to get a flu shot asap!

    Cant wait to see your sponsored post!

    Ironic Minimalist | www.ironicminimalist.com

  7. Sorry to hear you've been sick, but I'm guessing you're better now! That's great you're enjoying work so much, but you're 100% right, when you work Monday-Friday some things are just impossible without taking time off work, and if you've ever worked for someone who doesn't like you taking time off (which I have) it's pretty difficult.

    I don't go to the gym these days but last time I was in a routine of going I always liked going to classes just because it motivates you because you know you have to be there at a certain time, whereas if you're just going to work out on your own it's easier to blow it off. It depends how into the gym you are and how easy you find it to motivate yourself, because I've never really enjoyed any of it except for yoga so everything else has always felt like a chore, haha.



Thanks so much for commenting everyone! I read and appreciate every single one of your comments! xx