I have been going to Suki Hairdressing for about two months now and I still love it! I've been raving about the products that I've been using there as well over multiple blog posts and there will be more to come!
But I thought it was time to give you some insight into what an entire visit is like at Suki! From start to finish, from me arriving like an absolute mess, to finishing as a more glamorous mess.
I arrive at my 11am appointment and get settled in at my seat with my name written on the mirror. Not wearing any makeup in preparation for the facials I'll be getting afterwards in the late afternoon.
The Suki girls help me put on my little cape so I'm all protected from my clothes getting dirty or damaged during my appointment.
I love trialling the different kinds of teas available at Suki, but today I'm in need of some caffeine so it's a soy flat white for me. It comes with a little cookie, but I ate it before I took the photo. Obviously. I always arrived at Suki looking dreary and drained but leave completely refreshed! That's what visiting at the end of a work week does to you.
Poor Bella has to start brushing out my matted hair that I haven't washed in a week before she can add any of the colour to it. I check in with my main hairdresser Hannah and checks over and confirms any of the colour that we need to add and just overall what we're doing today.
The top of my hair is all my natural colour so I don't require much upkeep with my hair. So we just brighten the blondes around the ends and bring it up a little bit higher. I try not to fidget too much while Bella adds it all in. I promise I'm pretty good! I tell Bella how my mother always told me if I fidgeted at the hairdresser when I was a child, the hairdresser would make a mistake and they would have to cut all my hair off. It did the trick though! I wasn't a child that would easily sit still!
While I sit and wait for the colour to soak in, I order some lunch because I'm starving! There are so many restaurants around and I get handed a binder full of local menus. I settle on Falcon, a restaurant that I've been meaning to check out. They do a sort of Southern American style of food and the Vegetarian Nachos I order are incredibly delicious! I would definitely order again, they were covered in an amazing cheese sauce that's only saved for American style nachos.
Bella then takes me off to the basins to wash all of the dye out and then give my hair a good wash. I am there a long time, and a lot of things happen but I'm generally distracted by the really good head massage going on. My hair gets washed and toned, and a scalp mask gets applied to my head to soothe any dryness going on.
Then it's back to the chair for a blow dry and to try and eat my nachos without getting cheese in my hair. It's incredibly offputting watching myself shovel nachos into my mouth in the mirror. But they're delicious so I do it anyway.
Hannah comes back and trims my hair back to the perfect length. She then sticks the fringe shield to my face, which I still stand by as the greatest invention ever. No hair gets stuck to my face at all, and I can have my eyes open the entire time! Brilliant! She cuts my fringe perfectly and I don't even have to ask for it to be any shorter.
Hannah gets me to peel off the fringe shield in case she hurts me, but I'm tough and it's like a really gentle bandaid.
I'm very laid back about what happens with my hair at the end, I love getting a few waves put in there and with the right products they will last me through the weekend which is handy for a lazy gal like myself.
Before I leave I grab myself an Aveda Body Scrub and Hand Cream that I will show you in an upcoming post. These products are amazing though, as is every other product I've tried so far from Suki.
So that's a day at Suki from start to finish! At the end, I walk out with my fresh cut fringe and bouncy curls and I feel rejuvenated! Ready to take on the weekend!
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