I don't know about you, but I neglect the heck out of our outdoor space. Our little decked courtyard. Honestly, I avoid going out there unless it's Summer. But by then it's definitely in need of a little TLC. So here's a quick guide to what you can do to get your outdoor space into shape just in time for Summer.
Do The Minimum
If you don't consider yourself a passionate gardener then its useful to just do the minimum. Things like mowing the lawn every now and then to weeding can make a big difference to the appearance of your space. If you have fencing that sits around the outside of your garden, do a quick check for any broken wood and if it's looking a little faded, you could spend one afternoon just topping it up so that it looks fresh. This only needs doing every so often but makes a big difference.Invest In Outdoor Furniture
For whenever you have guests over, spending time outdoors together can be great but without any garden furniture, where do you expect everyone to sit? Outdoor furniture has now gone further than just your standard bench or four seater dining set. You can now get three-four seater sofas and corner sofas that can cater to households of all sizes. These will be perfect for providing comfort to your guests and something like a fire pit in the middle to keep everyone warm during the cooler evenings is perfect for making the most out of your space.Brighten The Space Up
With your garden, you can really go to town when it comes to injecting some colour and personality into the space. The more colourful the flowers, the better and if you group them off into sections, it also draws your attention to each part of the space. Use a bold colour on your fencing and use colour on any potted plants, going for intricate designs and patterns so that they stand out. If you’re feeling really adventurous then the addition of a herb or vegetable patch can come in handy for adding both a smell and burst of colour to your garden.Get A BBQ
What’s more inviting than the thought of having a BBQ. If you visit a Weber specialist range at your local bbq store, then you have to get a BBQ for your garden. It’s the perfect way to throw a party in your garden and depending on the size, these BBQ’s can cater to plenty.Invest In Decking
If you have a bit of a budget, then you may want to think about investing in some decking. Decking can add another level to your space and it’s a great way of sectioning off a specific area to emphasise a space for dining or for lounging. Make sure you know your budget and where you want the decking space to sit if you want to to be in the sun or shade.Giving a little time towards your outdoor space will be a great benefit to the home and will allow you to make the most of your outdoor space with friends and family.

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