How to Make Your Online Business Work Internationally

7 October 2021

Whether you want to turn your blog into a useful business or if you have a great idea that you want to share with the world, when you use the internet to sell your product, you can reach just about anyone. 

When you have a brick and mortar store, you can become dependent on your location to get new customers and to build yourself up, but online, there are no limits. 

Here are ways you can make your online business work.

Get a Catchy Domain Name

Your website should be something that people will remember, especially your website name. A catchy domain name will bring in more business because as the name is catchy and goes along with your branding, people will remember it and what you sell. 

It should also be a name that is memorable across the globe no matter what language is spoken in that country. That way customers from everywhere will be logging on to buy your products and it will all be from the name you choose.

Open Accounts for Foreign Currency

If you are going to reach out to customers all across the world, then you need to set up a foreign currency account. When you do this, customers can pay in their own currency. This will make it easier for them to shop and they will want to buy more of your goods and continue to do business with you. 

This will help you build a trusted name and you can grow and expand to more countries and more currencies. Don’t limit yourself or your customers financially. Give them the tools they need to buy from you, and utilise tools like Unicorn Group's global payment gateway to ensure customer's transactions are safe and secure no matter where in the world they are.

Get a Recognizable Logo

Again, not everyone is going to speak your native language, so how are you going to attract attention in foreign markets? The best way is to have a recognizable logo that everyone will associate with your business. 

Think about the Coca-Cola logo or a famous candy that everyone loves and knows. No matter what language the packaging is written in, that logo tells people right away what the product is. As you grow and expand overseas, make sure your logo defies all language barriers and will make your product stand out no matter what.

Make Your Product Relatable to All Cultures

A lot of times what works in the United States may not work in Africa, and what works in Australia may not translate to Japanese culture. However, if you have a product that satisfies a basic human need or desire, your product will do well across many cultures. If you want to expand to other countries, make sure what you are creating and selling can be used by that culture. 

Whether it’s a fashion product, game, or household item, do the countries you are marketing to need this product? By doing a lot of research, traveling to those countries, or talking to people from those countries, you will get a better understanding of your product and its international relevance.

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