I had so much success last month with my list of goals I only hope I can continue that this month.
I was having a bit of trouble coming up with goals for the month but here we go.
1. Stress Less
Today I bought an oil burner & a calming essential oil. My work roster has been quite full lately and I can become a bit stressed and flustered if I don't have any Me time to unwind. So on a daily basis I plan to burn some of my essential oil and meditate with my meditation app, Smiling Mind. Hopefully this will help me to be less anxious overall.
2. Start Booking my Holiday (actually)
This was in last month's goals but I had to wait until I could confirm I could have the time off and that took a while but now I know! Now I just have to wait until Josh has his passport and I have a day off to go see the travel agent..
3. Post / Blog More Often
At least twice a week is my goal. I really enjoy it and I want to use it as a way to unwind from my constant working. My blog may be called "Permanent Procrastination" but I hope I can try not to procrastinate posting. I'd like to change to a new blog template once I am sure that this is something I may actually stick at.
4. Watch Downton Abbey Season 4
I've put this off for a while for some reason, but I sure do love this show. I can de-stress and relax while I watch.
5. Find time to read a book.
My bookshelf is full of unread books, and I'm still more likely to read an ebook I've just downloaded. Terrible I know. I try and spread myself across various forms of media as I enjoy them all and I often leave reading behind because all of the other activities I can multitask with.
6. Save at least 60% of my Wage (again!)
I did this last month, I am sure I can do it again. Maybe even more? It's a great feeling watching my savings account go up. Let's do this!
Wish me luck! x
Clearly I'm still working on a title photo post style that I like, and until them I'm so sorry that they are all over the place like this.
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