New Year's Resolutions - 2015

31 December 2014

I have been reading a lot of New Year's Resolution posts lately, and one thing I have noticed, is that you all have been giving yourself 20+ resolutions. Calm down ladies! I try to have around 5ish resolutions for the New Year, and make them applicable for the entire year. Choose something that's achievable, and make the majority of them something measurable. Don't say "Get Fit" say "Train & Compete in a Marathon!" You get the idea! I love reading everyone's resolutions though, they're always interesting, and they give me inspiration for my own.

My 2014 Resolutions

Can you believe I basically completed mine this year! I'm cheering! Where's my reward??
1. Save $10,000 - Hell yeah I did!
2. Book a Holiday - I'm off to the USA in February for an entire month!
3. Get a Full/Part Time Job - Did this too!

I only hope I'm as successful in 2015!

Bring on 2015!

1.  Come Back from my USA trip with Money:
I have about $5k accumulated for the entirety of my trip's spending money. Food, tours, transport and shopping. While it would be okay to spend it all since that's what I saved it for, it'd be nice to come back with some leftover dough.

2. Book a Holiday for 2016:
We have our big holiday in early 2015, but it would be nice to continue booking them yearly.

3. Try to Save $5,000:
2015 is my first year moved out of home, paying bills and rent and buying groceries just like a grownup. I would like to be able to still try and save some of my money.

4. Buy a Bicycle / Ride more Places:
I will actually be living in the city, well a small city. Where a lot of things are much closer. It's a 5 minute bike ride to our local grocery store, or a 3 minute drive. If I just want to get a few things I would love to be able to ride my bike there.

5. Be More Fun:
This is kind of depressing, but I don't think I am fun. In fact I think I am super unfun / a general fun-ruiner. A lot of things people view as fun I'm like nah. Then people doing things that they think of as fun that I think of as stupid, I get super judgey. Which is bad, and I don't want to be judgemental like that. So I want to be more fun/try not to be such a downer all the time. (probably my toughest goal)

6. Continue Blogging!
This is the first time in a long time I kind of have a legit hobby! I blog and I love it! I'm only really just getting into the swing of things now but I'm really enjoying it and it's something I want to continue for the foreseeable future, currently during 2015. Buckle up readers, you'll be seeing a lot of me yet!

Some Blogging Goals

Think big! I would like to reach 1000 followers on Instagram & Bloglovin' by the end of the year! Do you think I can do it?? I hope so!

Thanks for reading guys! Good Luck on your New Year's Resolutions, & have a Happy New Year!
See you in 2015! xx


  1. That's so awesome that you achieved all your goals! And your trip sounds like it will be amazing! Happy new year!

    Lucy x

  2. Well done on achieving all your resolutions! I look forward to reading about your USA trip. Happy new year! :)

  3. It's awesome that you achieved all of your goals! I can't even remember mine. Good luck in 2015!

  4. Congrats on saving so much money! Have a fantastic 2015! :D
    Elephant stories and more

  5. What lovely resolution! I hope that you achieve all of your 2015 ones ♥
    Happy New Year!
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

  6. So awesome you did what you said you were gonna do in 2014! Hopefully you can do it again in 2015!! Happy New Year :)

  7. Great list! Well done on achieving them all last year! I want to save 10000 toooooo! x

  8. I can relate to your number 5 resolution on being more fun. I've always been an old soul myself. In middle school was the worst, when the girls were giggly and squealing and just wanted to talk about boys.

    What helps is to put yourself in their shoes to at least try to UNDERSTAND why the things they're doing are fun, it can help with the judging thing. And of course, always stay true to yourself. =-) // US Lifestyle Blog

  9. Congratulations on achieving all your goals for 2014, and I wish you the best for this year's ones. What part of the USA will you be visiting? I want a bike too, I love cycling, really want a cute little old fashioned one, they are adorable! What things do people find fun that you don't?

    1. Haha I don't know, random things maybe like drinking games, and originally I was going camping for new years and I was like ughhhhhh and my boyfriend didn't understand why I wouldn't find that fun. So i'm going to try a little harder! x

  10. Happy new year! You're blog design is amazing. And your blog name. And everything else. How long have you been in the US?

    1. Thanks Kate! I'm a huge fan of your blog! I haven't gone to the US yet, but I leave February 1st and return on the 26th! x

  11. Where are you going in the States? Come to Ohio and say hi!


  12. Well done on achieving all your resolutions! I look forward to reading about your USA trip.


Thanks so much for commenting everyone! I read and appreciate every single one of your comments! xx