My Spring Bucket List

23 September 2015

So I'll assume a few of you have read my last bucket list, for Winter. In terms of a blog post, it was a huge success. In terms of a solo bucket list, I did very few things on there.

But that's okay! It's way more of a list for everyone than just list for me to complete. Saying that, I would love to give a bunch of these a go. 

Yes this is a SPRING Bucket list! I can see a lot of you now, looking around, shaking your heads in confusion. I live in the Southern Hemisphere, in Australia. So our seasons are reversed. 
What a phenomenon. 

It tends to be almost impossible to find a seasonal bucket list that is for my hemisphere! Spring bucket lists tend to be filled with Easter Activities, when it's actually September - November over here. 

So please enjoy! And if it's Autumn where you are, pin it for later reference!

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  1. Ace playing walk through a botanical garden sounds like the most amazing idea ever. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  2. Eek, this is such an adorable bucket list, Tegan! Growing a plant out of a seed from spring is way too cute and watching the sunrise, too!

    Happy Spring!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  3. A bucket list for Spring! Finally! If I had seen one more bucket list filled with pumpkin everything, I may have thrown my computer off the balcony. Because that's how we roll in Aus.

    I'm definitely going to (attempt to) DIY a bird feeder this season, and walks around Botanical Gardens have come somewhat of a yearly tradition between my partner and I. :3
    Great list!

    Christie's Take on Life. x

  4. Great list Tegan!!
    I agree with Christie - no more pumpkin. haha

    Have you looked into Yoga for All on Bolton for yoga classes? I go there (not as frequently as I should) and have brought Ben along with me to a few classes. He's picked up quite a bit for a someone who's never done any yoga before. Plus the classes are really good value since you pay what you can instead of a set price with memberships and such.

  5. Wow I just love your bucket list! It is very cool and I really hope you do everything on this :-) thanks for sharing this is very awesome. xx

  6. Oh, I'd love to have friends over for a BBQ or visit a local cafe with them! It must be so much fun, haha <3

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin'

  7. This is such a lovely idea for a post hun, I so want to go to a drive in movie. Also, I love botanical gardens, so relaxing and beautiful!


  8. ahhh spring, how I miss you! haha

    Bbqs and movies are my favourite things to do, ever! Although I have never been to a drive in type of cinema...#Londonproblems

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  9. Ahh, I love autumn but seeing this had made me crave spring, first world problems! I went to an outdoor movie this summer, and it was ace. Watching sunrises and having bbq's are usually two of my favourite things!

    Lucy x- Yellowicing

  10. love it, i need to do something like this x

  11. Great list!

    Drive in cinema sounds like a great idea! I think a shopping centre near me has recently started doing it! (The shops are around the side, car park in the middle...not people just driving literally into the shopping centre hahaha)

    Meg | A Little Twist Of…

  12. Aw what a lovely list, makes me want it to be Spring again, however I am looking forward to sweaters and hot drinks and reading by the fire this season :)

  13. You have no idea how jealous I am of you living in Australia! We'll be hitting Autumn soon, so you've made me want to make my own bucket list! This is a great idea and some brilliant suggestions!

    Musings & More

  14. It's so weird and cool that we're starting completely different seasons! Didn't know you were from Australia, it's definitely a country I would like to visit one day :) And good luck with your bucket list! x

  15. this is really beautiful list! I want to do yoga too! I'm just simply lazy! hahaha! I want to experience drive-in movies! :D

    Dice | Wildest Heart

  16. I make bucket lists all the time :) They make me stay more focused! I advise you to do yoga, it's so amazing for mind and body!

    Check out my blog if you want:

    Tamara xxx

  17. really inspirational goals! love your blog btw - just stumbled across it and it's fab!

  18. We're approaching autumn where I am! Picnics are always great in the spring :) Going to local cafes is on my year-round to-do list! :P -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  19. Such a cute idea. I definitely need to do some of those myself, especially clean out my wardrobe and have lots of picnics!

    jessica -

  20. Beautiful ideas! I may have to borrow some of these...

    Can I just say - I love your blog! I feel like we are twins because we have so much in common!

    Sharni |


Thanks so much for commenting everyone! I read and appreciate every single one of your comments! xx