Nope. Don't even start. I don't want to hear it. I don't want you to tell me your opinion on this topic that I didn't even ask you about. I don't mean on the topic of arguing. I'm talking any particular topic on which there are multiple opinions on. All topics. Probably.
I'm incredibly non-confrontational. Even if I have a problem with someone, I will not jump in their face and scream what is your problem?? Well maybe if I was driven straight the edge of insanity, but what can I say, I haven't arrived there yet.
It is in this incredibly non-confrontational trait that I find the act of arguing abhorrent. A small quip here and there, on topics that are as important as your favourite pizza topping or funniest scene in Harry Potter (book or movie). A discussion of sorts. With no reason to get heated.
There are only a small amount of topics of which I would actually get fired up about. Even so, at the same time I don't wish to endlessly go on about it.
Have you ever participated or witnessed a quarrel, an angered disagreement, that has ended in one party with changed ideals, converted to the other side? No matter how petty the subject, if one is animatedly insisting their side of this is correct, well they're just not going to switch as soon as they hear your side of it.
Some people get wound up over the tiniest of things. One petty argument I've been present at multiple times is that of the location of the bottle of tomato sauce. Growing up, where did your parents keep it? In the fridge or in the pantry? The bottle actually says keep refrigerated. But many people have had pantry tomato sauce all their lives, and well they're fine aren't they!
Even though I can see this is more of an amusing kind of argument, with very little backlash, I have witnessed way too many situations where people have moved the damn bottle of sauce around, at other people's houses, to match their own belief of where it should be.
Good god. My family kept the sauce in the pantry, my partner now keeps it in the fridge. I do not care even slight nor have I ever participated in this god awful pointless argument that persistently takes place.
Even at the solid evidence that the packaging states it belongs in the fridge after opening, not a single person who wants it in the pantry has changed their view. If this is not a perfect example of arguments never making any progress or having any effect then I don't know what is.
Arguing with someone who is determined to have the last word is a nightmare. I mean there's no end game. You just have to walk away, while they are still talking. This troubles them, they still have many good points to cover! If you leave they will be sure that they have defeated you. Weakened, you have run out of rebutting statements, which means that they are correct. David Hyde Pierce as Cecil was the best guest star on The Simpsons. But they are wrong. It was Meryl Streep as Jessica Lovejoy.
At the end of the day, why are you bothering? The only thing worse than arguing in person, is doing it online. People are a lot braver when they are hiding behind a keyboard and screen. If I post something that gets a dickish annoyed response. Wow I why did you just, do you think I want to talk to you about this, would you just like a louder platform to prove your point. Deleting my comment is the online version of walking away.
Sorry, I've got other pointless things I could be doing to waste time. Like playing Animal Crossing.
Cya xx

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Hahah absolutely perfect.
Loved this! My mother n law...whom we currently live with, used to drive me to my breaking point! Cause she always is right and always has to have the last word! Me? I just walk away!
ReplyDeleteI just want to go ahead and write you a tiny little message just saying, I read everything you write and I enjoy it. I find it rare to in today's society really read blogs rather than gloss over the details and images and I have grown to finding a familiar person in your words and posts. I admire you and your posts have made me feel like I know you as a friend. Tegan, you're a rad individual and I just want you to know that. Keep doing you.
ReplyDeleteAww Stef thank you so much! That is so nice! I really really appreciate this comment! I always love reading about you and your life too, and always read and hope the best for you and everything! haha xoxox
DeleteThis was a great post- I'm exactly the same way, I'd rather avoid arguing at all costs. Even being around them I just can't handle it and most the time it's not even an issue that either party can really change at that point so why bother?
ReplyDeleteI think I'll go play Animal Crossing as well~
Lindsey Elyse | lindseyginge
This is a great post. It's so true, isn't it? We think we'll convert someone's point of view in an argument, but this rarely happens!
ReplyDeleteMeg | A Little Twist Of…
Wonderful!! I love this post :D
Oh it's so easy to be drawn into arguments online! The trouble is that words and the "tone of voice" is not so easy to put across. I'm not a very confrontational person but I will put my opinion across.... I like a good debate but I will accept that not everyone will agree with me! I hate the people who won't accept that I am entitled to have a different opinion to them.
ReplyDeleteAnd oh the tomato sauce argument made me laugh! We kept ours in the cupboard and hubby keeps it in the fridge so now it's in the fridge.... I honestly don't care!! x
Yep exactly! You just can't tell online. And you have to reach a point where you're like okay well your opinion isn't going to change and neither is mine, no point continuing to argue.
Hahah I feel this hard, especially after the holidays where it seemed like literally every person I ran into wanted to passionately argue for hours on end about star wars or sports or some other thing that doesn't really matter. So glad there are other people out there who would rather not get into it.
ReplyDeletePeach Melba
Hahah this is so refreshing and perfect
ReplyDeleteKatina |
Love the relation between tomatoe sauce and argueing. That has never been a problem in my family, it's always been in the cupboard. Loved reading this.
ReplyDeleteMuch love,
I hate arguing, especially with my loved ones. It gives me sooo much anxiety and I would have trouble sleeping, eating and sometimes breathing. Great post!
I dislike arguing very much also and I particularly hate when people get into arguments online, such a huge waste of time. Dont people have anything better to do?
ReplyDeletePam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
This post is just SO yes.
ReplyDeletePet hate: people who argue online.
God...just GET OF YOUR BUM AND MAKE A CUP OF TEA. I find it funny because you know there's a 95% chance they're sitting in the pyjamas too.
Great post Tegan. I don't know, I think there are quite a few "arguments" I'd be willing to have but Itend to stay quite calm so they're more confrontations I guess? But I can only agree that arguing over little things is petty andonline is just a complete waste of time! xx
ReplyDeleteYeah you can't just walk away from all of them. Just the stupid ones. xx
DeleteThis is amazing!!x
haha I totally get you. Although I must say I'm guilty of accidentally one-upping people all the time haha.
omg! I totally feel this post! My family has a habit on arguing over things that don't even matter like keeping newspapers on upper shelf VS keeping them on lower shelf like IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER THEY'RE JUST FEW INCHES AWAY!
Not Your Type Blog
I so feel this! It's particularly bad online on places like Facebook, it just ends up getting to personal I think. People need to remember there are more important things in life that are actually worth stressing over and learn not to worry so much. A less stressed life is a much better one .xx.
Great post! :-) So true.
Thanks so much for commenting everyone! I read and appreciate every single one of your comments! xx