Hey everyone! This is a quick review of a product I was sent to trial by the company Slimtum.
The product is Shiva - a Body Toning Gel and cellulite cream. Here's a bit of information from the Slimtum website.
"Named after the Hindu god of transformation and yoga, Shiva is a powerful yet gentle aid for tightening and toning. Shiva uses a targeted formulation to help firm problem areas so you can look your best!"
Just a disclaimer from myself to my readers and followers, this product is to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. I don't want anyone thinking I'm talking about a magic product that they can put on their body and not do anything and achieve results. It's also not a weight loss tool, it is a product for toning.
Shiva smells amazing! When you squeeze out the gel, it honestly reminds me of liquified lollies and it looks and smells like it is. You're meant to rub it on any areas you're trying to tighten before you work out so that potentially those areas will work harder and more fat will burn there.
"Shiva's active fat-reducing & anti-cellulite properties encourage the body to release and oxidise fat, tightening and toning problem areas for a leaner look."
I have been trialling Shiva out by putting it on areas that I want to tone up, before I head to the gym. The product absorbs well and doesn't stay sticky. It also smells nice when you shower it off afterwards.
I can't give a definitive response on whether or not I've seen results. I didn't just slather it on to try and tone up my butt without doing any exercise. I've been lifting weights, doing squats and trying to eat reasonably well. (Even though I had mostly cheese and crackers for dinner last night...)
I do like the product enough to keep using it for now. It also works as a cellulite treatment so I'd be happy to see some results there. My goal is to become a bit more toned for bikini season. So if Shiva can help me on this journey, I'm all for it!
Form your own opinion on the product, you can grab Shiva here!
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