Skincare Tips From Around The World

17 December 2020

When it comes to skincare, there are always new trends to try, and new advice on what you should do. As well as maintaining their usual skincare routine and getting the occasional treat like a facial near me in Denver, CO, there are people who are always searching for new products, treatments, and methods that will help them achieve the skin they want. Fortunately for them, there is a wealth of skincare information out there just waiting to be discovered. This can come either through doing their own research and looking at things like longevity products, for example, or it could be from magazines, bloggers, vloggers, and professionals like estheticians who have tested certain new trends that have benefited them greatly. If you want to stay ahead of the curve with what’s new and worth trying in skincare, then you should pay attention to skin care tips from others around the world.
Every country has its own popular skincare routine, with different ingredients, products, and techniques, thanks to different beauty standards and priorities. Any skincare fan could do well to learn from other countries and add some new tricks to their routines.

Take a look at some of the best skincare tips from around the world, and think about trying some of them out for yourself.

Japan - Avoid Sun Damage

In Japan, the best Japanese beauty products have been created to prevent the signs of aging before they happen. Skincare fans emphasise protecting their skin from the sun and as a result, the big priority of Japanese skincare is sun protection. Many people try to avoid the sun altogether and care for their skin by using gentle cleansers, hydrating and moisturising products, serums, moisturisers, and masks.

As these Dermal Repair Complex ingredients and information suggest, American skincare tends to take a more restorative approach toward aging. On the other hand, Japanese skincare is focused more on preventing that damage before it happens at all. This is why there are lots of SPF products on the market, including sprays, lotions, wipes, creams, and powders. Some women even carry lightweight parasols to protect their skin and choose to wear t-shirts with long sleeves to cover their arms, even when the weather is hot.

In Japan, matcha is also popular in skincare. Matcha is applied to the scalp to prevent hair loss and encourage shinier hair. Mix the matcha with one egg and a little bit of coconut oil. Apply the mix to your hair, making sure to cover the whole scalp.

South Korea - Ten-Step Skincare Routine

South Korea is known for being at the forefront of developments in skincare, which is what has really boosted the popularity of Korean beauty products and techniques.

Lengthy beauty routines are common in South Korea. One of the most popular is the ten-step skincare routine, which is seen as basic maintenance for the skin. The routine includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising, treating, and sun protection. Ten steps sounds like it might be a lot, but if you love Korean beauty trends, then this article outlines the simplicity of the Korean skincare routine.

The way you apply your skincare is important too. In Korea, your skincare is massaged into the skin before you apply your makeup. Massage your products in small circular motions to allow the pores to open and soak in all the ingredients. The massaging gives you a natural facelift and makes everything you use after your routine look even better. Focus on one area of the face at a time. Apply pressure so the product sinks into the skin really well.

Thailand - DIY With Lemongrass

You might be familiar with lemongrass as a popular flavour in a lot of Thai dishes, but a lot of people in Thailand also use it to take care of their skin. Women in Thailand use lemongrass for the skin by adding the stalks to boiling water and steaming the face. This works because lemongrass has antibacterial properties. When you steam with it, it cleanses the skin and opens up the pores.

France - Consistent Skincare Routine

When it comes to taking care of the skin, the French like to have a consistent routine that they trust.
Consistency is key when it comes to taking care of your skin, and French women know this. Skincare fans in France rarely buy into the latest fad products, and instead, tend to focus on the tried-and-true products they know and love as staples.

French women believe that the more consistent you are with your skincare regimen, the more likely you are to see good results, rather than rushing out to buy the latest new product or makeup trend.
French women also don’t worry about achieving perfection. They tend to prefer the way that bare skin looks. They aim for a healthy glow and are proud of a glow if they can get one. French women are usually more interested in keeping their soft to the touch and glowing in appearance, rather than worrying about treating problems like dark spots and wrinkles (though that isn't to say that they wouldn't appreciate a Gundry MD Dark Spot Diminisher coupon if it was offered to them!).

Wrinkles and anti-aging are issues that most women want to combat, but French women tend to focus more on the way that their skin feels and the texture of the skin, instead of trying to turn back the clock on signs of aging. To offset the effects of drinking wine and coffee, and smoking cigarettes, which are very drying, women in France use a lot of moisturising products in their skincare routines to maintain softness.

Scandinavia - Balance Is Key

Scandinavian countries including Denmark, Norway, and Finland look at beauty as more than just what you put on your skin. Scandinavian women tend to approach beauty as a balance between all the important aspects of health: what they eat, how they exercise, what they apply to their skin, and how they live a happy life. Balance is key, and if that balance is disturbed, the skin will show visible signs of that.

Italy - Serious Moisturisation

Italians have an attitude toward beauty that should be admired. Rather than worrying about what will make them look good, Italian women tend to focus more on what will make them feel good.
As well as this feel-good approach, Italians are often invested in having smooth skin. Due to this, a lot of Italian women moisturise all the time. They tend to use heavier, richer moisturisers than women in other parts of the world. In fact, some women also use olive oil in their skincare routine. 

Indonesia - Incorporate Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that has become incredibly popular over the past few years, thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In Indonesia, a lot of people make use of turmeric in their skin-care routines too. Turmeric is used in a traditional Indonesian beauty ritual for princesses, called the Lulur treatment. This treatment is a scrub that gives you healthy, glowing skin. Just remember that turmeric stains!

Brazil - Splurge On Treatments

In Brazil, expensive skincare treatments are common. Brazilians love full-body treatments like body contouring, as well as treatments like hyaluronic acid injections for skin irregularities and Lipotropic treatments for fat. Another thing you can learn from Brazilian skincare lovers is to swear by your dermatologist. Dermatologists in Brazil give their patients a recipe with a specific formula that they then take to the pharmacy, where they will mix it for you. While you might not be able to do this, you should see a dermatologist for advice tailored to you and your skin’s needs.

Another Brazilian trick is to use acai berries. They’re considered a staple in Brazil. The berries are packed with antioxidants and are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E. They’re said to help with anti-aging. You can eat the berries to get the benefits, or you can use them as a cream by smashing them and rubbing the juice onto your hands. 

Nigeria - Use Shea Butter

In Nigeria, a lot of people like to use natural moisturising products when caring for their skin.
Black soap and raw shea butter are very popular in Nigeria and have been beauty staples for a long time. Stock up on shea butter to get the benefits for yourself.

Sweden - Try A Dry Sauna

Sweden gets incredibly cold during the winter, so the people there know they have to work extra hard to keep their skin healthy and hydrated.
Dry saunas are popular. Some Swedes have a sauna in their house, while some will visit a traditional Swedish sauna elsewhere, but many people use them as a way to keep their skin healthy.
Steam or a sauna is a good way to prepare for a rejuvenating night’s sleep.

Mexico - Use Agave

In Mexico, the nectar from the Agave plant is mixed together with cooked rice or oatmeal, which is then turned into a face scrub. The plant has a lot of moisturising properties which are believed to help with anti-aging and healing wounds.

Peru and Ecuador - Try Aloe

Aloe is a popular skincare product in Peru and Ecuador. It can be used to treat dryness of the skin, or scalp, and for hair issues. You can use it directly from the plant, and work it into your skin as a moisturiser or treat sunburn or wind rash.

Haiti - Use Castor Oil On The Hair

Black castor oil is used widely in Haiti, as it is filled with Omega fatty acids. These help to moisturise and regrow hair. This beauty ingredient is starting to be incorporated into more shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products in the United States too, so you can easily try it for yourself.