How Do You Stay In Shape When On the Road?

20 February 2020

When travelling anywhere, whether it's across the country or the world, regular fitness routines tend to fly out of the window. The combination of jetlag, new adventures and a few too many beers every night means that you struggle to find the time to exercise. Even if you're someone who lived, ate, and breathed fitness back home, it's still a struggle. However, it doesn't need to be.

Keeping healthy and staying in shape is essential, even when you're on your travels, and here's how you can do it.

Adapt to Your Surroundings

Just because your favourite gym is no longer in walking (or running) distance doesn't mean you should give up on working out altogether. Even in new countries and cities, there will be something that you can do to get your workout in before seeing the sights and enjoying your travels.

You can use your Airbnb or hotel room for bodyweight training. If there's a courtyard, practice yoga there. Similarly, take a run around the neighbourhood to get you going for the morning.

You can also find a way to get around that can offer you the space you need. There's no chance of doing yoga in the back of a car or a bus, but something from could provide you plenty of space to bend, twist, and stretch your way to excellent health.

Look For Free Gyms and Classes

With the fitness industry booming no matter where you are, there is always the opportunity to get a quick workout in no matter what city you visit.

It's unlikely you'll stay anywhere for more than a week or two, so make the most of this time by searching out free gyms or trial memberships. Often, these places will give you a five-day pass so you can come and go as you p[lease before moving onto the next. Just make sure it's not a subscription service that triggers automatically after the trial period.

Some cities even have free outdoor gyms nestled on the side of the road that you can check out. You won't get the forgiving AC that you'll find in a gym, but if you're desperate, its better than nothing.

Stick To A Routine

It's hard to stick to a routine when travelling, but if you're serious about your fitness, it's just something you need to do.

You know your routine better than anybody else, and while it's hard to miss out on what feels like 24 hours of fun, taking half an hour to go for a run or even get some bodyweight training in will keep you motivated to carry on.

There will be days this isn't possible, especially if you go on day trips for sightseeing, but rather than think your routine is disrupted and giving up on it, try to get back on track as soon as possible.

Shaping Up For Adventure

Travelling is a rewarding experience for everybody, but you shouldn't let it interfere with what you love to do. There will be times where it's hard to pull yourself away from the excitement. This is okay, though. As much as your health is essential while travelling, so is making memories.
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