Airways and Hallways: 4 Things To Help You Breathe Better in the Home

5 May 2022

Since the pandemic hit, we’ve all figured out the best ways to keep ourselves healthier in the home. From exercise to eating better, we had no choice but to use our home to benefit us. But one of the other issues that can crop up, especially during certain seasons, is breathing.

 There's a lot of information about breathing and its benefits of it in recent years thanks to people like James Nestor and Wim Hof, but in the home, we've got to remember that there are certain things in place that can cause problems for our airways. Here are a few things to consider so you can breathe easier.

Fixing Your HVAC

If you got a dirty filter on your HVAC system, it can result in mould growth if it gets damp. You need to make sure you change it every three months and make sure it fits well. You also have to make sure that you are cleaning it properly, getting rid of all of the dust from the inside. Specialists like can help with cleaning the interiors of your air conditioning unit with specialised products and equipment. It's always a good idea to have a professional inspect the unit at least once a year, so you aren't distributing more allergens into the air.

Looking at How You Store Fruits and Vegetables

We all know that fruits and vegetables are pivotal to our health, but if we keep them for too long, mould can start to grow on them, which can cause issues for anybody with conditions like asthma. If you are trying to keep them fresh for longer, make sure you don't wash them before you store them and just do it before you eat them. But it's also a good idea to start freezing fruits and vegetables, if possible. There is a guide on on how to preserve their freshness, which also helps you to save a bit of money in the process!

Paying Attention to Forgotten Areas

There are places in the homes that we can all forget to clean, for example, behind toilets or under bathroom sinks. Make sure you wipe them every so often with soap and warm water and check for areas that are not on your radar. These areas can easily collect grime, grease, and water, all of which will contribute to breathing issues.

Checking Your Furniture

Depending on the furniture you've got, the fabric is more likely to trap dust and allergens. Preferably vinyl or leather furniture is better instead of cloth, which can easily trap allergens. And if you have issues with allergies, think about hanging blinds up instead of curtains. Additionally, you will want to dust them on a regular basis.

We have to learn how to breathe easier in the home. If we are prone to allergic reactions, the home is the best place to give us that first line of defence. If you can breathe better inside the home, it is going to make for a better quality of life!